

Baby Chihuahua: All You Need To Know

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Interesting Baby Chihuahua Facts

Due to their small size, they are among the most preferred and popular dog breeds. Their facial features and vivacious personality make them puppy-like which makes them a popular pet too. Their babies (Baby Chihuahua) are also unique with characteristics that set them out from other puppies.

Baby Chihuahua Breed Characteristics

Baby Chihuahua differ in shape and size. For instance, certain of them may have large eyes and apple heads, whereas others like deer head chihuahua may appear to have a fox-like appearance. Baby Chihuahua may be short-haired or long-haired and also vary in their coat color.

Temperament: Chihuahuas appear confident and may seem like they know just everything. They are energetic and have big personalities and attitudes. These regal pets are also protective and loyal to their owners.

Grooming: Depending on their coat they may need different grooming needs. A chihuahua baby that has short hair and a smooth coat may be low maintenance and may require only periodic brushing. While baby chihuahua have longer coats may require weekly brushing to avoid mats and tangles, thus requiring more maintenance.

Training: The new chihuahua pups or Baby Chihuahua can be trained and they respond well to positive training. These confident pups will try to use their cuteness to their advantage. The training and guidance provided should be loving but also firm so that they excel well in their training.

Energy Levels: Baby Chihuahua are bursting with energy, but due to their small size, they may be exhausted easily after playing in the home itself. Running to different rooms may itself be a good exercise for them. Taking them out for short walks may help them to regulate their energy levels. If they start to pant heavily and seem tired, this indicates they are exhausted. In such case carry them and walk them home till they recover.

Baby Chihuahua Size

The chihuahua is also the world’s smallest dog. It’s no wonder then that their puppies are tiny. At birth, Baby Chihuahua may weigh around 2.5 ounces.

To give an idea of their weight, an average lemon weighs about 3-4 ounces. Their popularity can be attributed to their small size that makes them endearing to their owners.

Even the largest Baby Chihuahua may only weigh 5.5 ounces. The teacup chihuahua actually decreases in size as they grow up and thus differ from other chihuahua types.

After birth, they continue to gain weight and grow rapidly in the first few weeks, and may double in size. They stop growing when they are 18 months old.

Baby Chihuahua Birth

Mother chihuahua may have a difficult time giving birth even though their babies are tiny. This may be attributed to their small pelvis and bone structure.

The Baby Chihuahua may have a proportionally large head that also makes the process difficult. Babies are born in litters of 2 to 5 and they may usually require a cesarean section.

Baby Chihuahua Feistiness

Sibling rivalry can also be seen in litters of baby Chihuahuas even though they are small. They may resort to bullying and may show aggression towards their siblings. The larger puppies fight for dominance in their litter.

The development and personality of puppies may be influenced by the social dynamics of their litter. For example, smaller puppies in the litter who may get bullied may grow to be docile and timid.

Chubby Baby Chihuahua

Baby Chihuahua puppies maybe a little chubby. Baby Chihuahua may have proportionally large tummies while growing and that is normal. They usually lose weight when they grow into adulthood.

When the Baby Chihuahua grows 6 months old but is still chubby then their diet may be cut and some activities should also be planned out.

Their puppies are energetic and may love some extra playtime. If the owner is not sure about the quantity of exercise and food then they also consult a veterinarian.

Baby Chihuahua and The Molera

The Baby Chihuahua puppies have small fragile heads and have a characteristic hole in their skull called molera. This hole remains for 6 months in these puppies.

If this hole remains till they are a year old then they may have it for life. Molera is common and normal in Chihuahuas, but it can make puppies it can make them vulnerable to injuries.

It is critical to remember this while petting a puppy that is 6 months old or younger, the owner should be gentle without pressing hard on their head.

Baby Chihuahua and Floppy Ears

Their puppies are born with floppy ears that become erect as they get older. If the older ones still have this trait then it is a rare breed. Around 3 months of age, their ears start to stand out, though in some it takes longer. During teething, their ears may drop or flop temporarily.

Attention and Supervision

Because of their extremely small size, the Baby Chihuahua mustn’t be left attended when outside. They are vulnerable to predators like coyotes and hawks due to their small size. While the puppies are still young the children should be kept away so they might not accidentally injure the puppy.


This health risk is seen in Baby Chihuahua that leads to dropping blood sugar levels. The symptoms associated with this include lack of coordination, fatigue, convulsive movements, and lack of focus.

The risk may be greater in them due to their small size. When they are less than 3 months old then they should eat at least 3 times a day, but other puppies may need to feed more.

Owners can keep a sugar syrup handy in case of a hypoglycemic emergency. Besides this vulnerability, they may constitute a healthy breed. This threat decreases with age and molera also closes as they transition into adults.

Baby Chihuahua Life Span

The average chihuahua lifespan is around 18 years but some live longer than that. They do require commitment from their owners and make adorable pets.

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